So I’ve decided what I’m gonna do now
So I’m packing my bags for the Misty Mountains
Where the spirits go now
Over the hills where the spirits fly
-© 1971 Led Zeppelin
Sometimes I like to trot off on little solo trips into the bush to clear my head; away from towns and people-populated areas.
I cut through Rockerville, which is a tiny ghost town (except for one restaurant which still operates) hidden in the wooded median of the highway. Rockerville was founded in 1876 as a result of the gold rush; it was originally a mining camp. Sadly, widening the highway to a 4-lane effectively killed Rockerville, and most everything in it closed decades ago.
Them Thar Hills
It was overcast last weekend which made for some otherworldly-looking scenes back in them thar Hills that reminded me a lot of Yellowstone with the rising steam, except no geysers or boiling mud shot out of the earth!
Usually when I go out like that I have no set plans, no places to specifically be. I just load up my ever present Thermos of coffee and…go!
I found myself somewhere around French Creek. It was drizzling, but not enough where I’d get soaked so I parked Hhrbie and took a little hike. I didn’t plan to go there, I just spotted the sign and whistled in there on a whim.

This is French Creek, I believe. I crossed it several times. It’s dry right now – which is a good thing or my hike would have ended abruptly – about 10 minutes after it started!
Portions of this trail (except for the towering red cliffs and hills!) reminded me a lot of wandering around by ‘the gravel pit’; a place I would go in northern MN in the fall.
There were few people or vehicles back where I was last weekend. I spotted literally hundreds of deer, a few buffalo, some turkeys and a herd of pronghorn. The white-butted critters peered at me curiously as I coasted by, and were in no particular hurry to wander off the road, and that was fine because I wasn’t in a hurry, either!
Sometimes it’s nice to just go wandering and see where you end up, with no plans, no specific goals or destinations!
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